'Full Frontal' Takes On False Equivalence And Trumpites' Racism

Samantha Bee Once again doesn't pull any punches.

Samantha Bee returned from hiatus last night to this remarkable diatribe against false equivalency in cable news coverage of the election.

It isn't an "opinion" that Trump is a liar if you can actually prove it. She brings reciepts.

Then she reminds us of "human Splenda" Matt Lauer's terrible job handling the Commander in Chief forum.

She also addressed the journalistic freak out over Hillary's health: “Let’s get right to the big news, Hillary Clinton has passed away. She says she’s not dead, but as we know she is a liar."

And about that "basket of deplorables": "It’s true that Trump’s rhetoric has inspired some bigots and mentally ill people to commit hate crimes and terrorize people of color." But, Bee wondered, is it half?

She checked the Trump supporter poll numbers on Obama being a Muslim Kenyan Usurper who is not really an American.

“OK, we are going to need a bigger basket.”

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