Congressional Black Caucus Slams Trump For Deplorable Birther Lies

The Congressional Black Caucus is at the end of their patience with this offensive charlatan

Any sentient being in America is outraged and disgusted by the mendacity of Trump and the complicity of the media to let all of his lies fester and almost become validated by way of repetition. The Joseph Goebbels philosophy of creating truth from fiction is not something we should ever entertain knowing the danger of such folly. Today, the Congressional Black Caucus has had just about enough of this grotesque theater that has been doubling as a Presidential Election.

New York Democrat Representative Gregory Meeks had a lot to say, and it was based on the words of Donald himself. He was one of many in the CBC who rightfully feel outraged over the media's acceptance of all the myriad lies of the GOP Birther Candidate. Here's a portion of Meeks' comments:

He lied about Muslims, saying that he saw thousands of them when the World Trade Center went down. He's lied. He's lied about Mexicans. He's lied about women. and members of the Congressional Black Caucus' PAC are not going to take it anymore. This is ridiculous, and if he thinks that African-Americans or any American, because I believe that this should be an insult to all Americans, to every one of us. This should not continue to happen. So we felt it was important that the members of the Congressional Black Caucus come out and let everyone know where we stand and were we feel about it.

Congressman GK Butterfield was the most descriptive. The North Carolina Democrat described today as 'disgusting,' his anger very palpable and certainly merited.

Donald Trump is a disgusting fraud. By any definition, Donald Trump is a disgusting fraud! He started this silliness years ago, by saying that President Obama is not an American citizen. He had no proof of it, and so he started this disgusting behavior seven or eight years ago, questioning the president's citizenship.

It was a healthy rebuke of the pathetic apology that was actually another infomercial, which set off the first real acknowledgement by the media that Trump has played them for fools again! Maybe the CBC's commentary will convince others that this election is not a joke and making a horse race out of a clearly lopsided contest is immoral and dangerous. Let's hope the CBC leads the way for America to emerge from this bizarro world that is the Trump-controlled reality-show media.

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