Keith Olbermann Is Back!
Some good news out of this campaign season, Keith Olbermann is hosting a web show at GQ.
In the debut episode of his new series, "The Closer," GQ's Keith Olbermann tallies the most outrageous of Donald Trump's offenses in what is now his 15-month assault on American democracy.
It's called "176 Reasons Donald Trump Shouldn't Be President."
As we remember him doing so many times, Olbermann starts off with a strong kick, then keeps punching:
Every few generations, we Americans are called upon to defend our country. To defend it not so much from foreign dictators or war or terrorism, but from those here who have no commitment to progress or democracy or representative government—no commitment to anything except their own out-of-control minds and the bottomless pits of their egos.
Our society has thrown up these people before: Joseph McCarthy. George Wallace. Father Coughlin. Jefferson Davis. Aaron Burr. The Know-Nothings. The Blacklisters. The America-Firsters. And we have always thrown them out....
We must stop him.
It is not pleasant.
It is not fair that we have to do this.
But it is our turn.
PS. Tucker Carlson's rag The Daily Caller (no link) headlined this story "Keith Olbermann And His Crazy Big Mouth Will Soon Return." That's Tucker Carlson... being "clever."
Full transcript to Olbermann (with verifying links!) at