Maher: ' I Don't Have Time To Go Over All Of Trump's Lies, I Only Have An Hour'

Maher gives his chief-liar/campaign strategist way too much time to say nothing true. Nada.

The first guest interview of the latest episode of "Real Time" included two minutes of pleasantries of fond reminiscing. Then, Bill Maher allowed Trump's chief snake oil salesperson, Kellyanne Conway to vomit her talking points for far too long.

Conway has a twenty year 'friendship'/history with Bill Maher dating back to his "Politically Incorrect" days at ABC. For this reason, or possibly because of her penchant for long-winded skillful delivery of utter fallacies as truth, this interview lasted over twelve minutes. Twelve agonizing minutes is unusually long for the first guest spot. It was downright frustrating and enraging to witness Maher allowing her to get away with not answering tough questions.

The disingenuous filth from Trump's latest campaign strategist included the terrifying proclamation,

"I actually think we're going to win, Bill. You know what? You feel it. You're getting nervous.

Maher responded,

Oh, I am getting nervous. Not because Trump is good, it's because people are stupid, that's why I'm getting nervous. I'll tell you why I'm getting nervous and I'll do it with a Donald Trump quote from "Art of the Deal." He said, "I played on people's fantasies. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole.

I call it lying. Here are some lies.

  • I don't know about David Duke.
  • He never met him (Vladimir Putin, who he has claimed also is his best friend).
  • He got a letter from the NFL, which was proved to never have happened
  • He gave money to the veterans, when he didn't
  • I was against the Iraq War, when, it was on tape, that he was not.

How do you answer to the fact that this man just says whatever he wants at the moment, in the moment, to get whatever point he wants across, regardless of the facts?

Conway kept to her shtick that Hillary is the one who has gone negative. 'Con'-way claims that Hillary's message is 'anti-Trump, she doesn't have a positive message.' She also projects Trump's greatest shortcoming that he has absolutely no policy offerings by erroneously claiming that she has put forth none. Her website can disprove that fantastical assertion in an instant, yet the voice of the con-artist speaks to the American people as if they are inept noobs who can't search for an easily accessible truth.

It is truly sickening how insulting it is to live in a country where this woman can be so successful, especially with such a god-awful charlatan candidate, who Maher refers to as a 'man who makes fun of the handicapped.' She believes that Hillary is the culprit of the negative tone of the campaign! This said the day after Trump once again, called for Hillary's assassination.

BILL MAHER: 'Your message would be anti-Trump if you were running against him. '

She once again projects the gross shortcomings of the 'Tangerine Nightmare' candidate: a man who cannot discern truth from lies:

I'm not going to support somebody who lies for a living.

You could overturn a truck with the level of irony in that statement.

The interview concluded without a mention of the two times Trump called for Hillary to be remedied by the Second Amendment freaks who support his loathsome campaign. Both Maher and Conway share a birthday (Inauguration day, January 20), and the final topic of the conversation was Conway's invitation to join her at a, (gag) Trump Inauguration.

If you feel nauseous just imagining such a travesty, take comfort that you're not alone. You aren't among the folks who ask the question, 'Hey, why aren't we using nuclear weapons more often again?' Just uggghhhhhh.

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