Newt Gingrich: 'You're Not Supposed To Gain 60 Pounds The Year You're Miss Universe'
The former Speaker, always willing to dump even more gasoline on the fire.
All the pundits used to talk about how smart Newt Gingrich supposedly is. I don't buy it, and never have. Witness this latest bone-headed move. Gingrich also bleated on Hannity last night how bringing up this story of Trump's boorish, sexist behavior twenty years ago was supposed to backfire on Hillary Clinton. I don't see that happening either, and neither apparently did this twitter account in support of Hillary Clinton, retweeting this video earlier this morning.
Source: Politico
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich backed up Donald Trump’s weight-based attacks against a former pageant winner, telling an audience Wednesday night that “you’re not supposed to gain 60 pounds during the year that you’re Miss Universe.”
The woman in question is former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, who was thrust into the spotlight of the presidential election at Monday night’s debate when Hillary Clinton brought up Trump’s long history of derogatory remarks about women. The former secretary of state said Trump had called Machado “Miss Piggy,” because he believed she gained too much weight after winning her crown, and “Miss Housekeeping,” a dig at her Hispanic heritage.
Speaking to the Log Cabin Republicans at a dinner in Washington, Gingrich echoed Trump’s attacks, eliciting laughter from the room.“You’re not supposed to gain 60 pounds during the year that you’re Miss Universe,” he said. “Not fair. Even my act of saying that is sexist and proves I’m not being sensitive.”
And this sums up my feelings too about having someone like Gringrich as a surrogate run damage control for your campaign.
Even a fairly well-known conservative talk radio host from Iowa is getting fed up with this bullshit, calling it for what it is.