Stand Your Ground Gun Nuts Offer 24 Hour Helpline For Killers

Governor Voldemort's Florida has practically legalized shooting someone to death with their George Zimmerman law.

George Zimmerman was exonerated by the jurors of a Florida Judicial Court in July, 2014 much to our collective horror. 'Our' includes the people who live in the United States, who are interested in sensible gun control. These people are viewed with contempt by most of the ammosexuals, who are largely Republican, as you may suspect. George Zimmerman had no reason to shoot Trayvon Martin, yet, he completely escaped the punishment he so richly deserved. Florida is a Stand Your Ground State, (SYG) where those who utilize this incredibly flawed 'defense' are assisted by the legal community. This effective legal assistance, courtesy of members of the gun industry, comes at a very affordable price

In Rick Scott's Florida, of course, this sick SYG travesty will continue so long as there are organizations who wield enormous power with the governor(s) who represent the gun industry. He is obviously in the pocket of the manufacturers and dealers who profit off of death.

Governor Scott, in one term, signed the most pro-gun laws for any governor in history, a whopping TWELVE! Now, the concealed carry folks are helping these ammosexual miscreants get a 'fair' defense. This is not an article extracted from The Onion. This is 2016 Florida.

The Tampa Bay Times explains:

Carlos Garcia lay bleeding on the street in front of his family’s mailbox.

“Yes, ma’am. I just had a man attack me in my front yard,” Nick Julian IV told a 911 operator on Sept.19, 2015.“He attacked me and I had to use force,” said Julian.“I was afraid for my life.”

“Well who used the gun?”the operator said.

“I did,” Julian said.

In the background, Garcia’s ex-wife screamed: “Why would you do this?”

“’Cause he charged me and I was in fear of my life,” said Julian,then 26.

He said that he needed to call his lawyer. It was 2:05 a.m. Before Garcia, a 37-year-old father of three, had even been declared dead, the man who shot him was already on the phone with the U.S. Concealed Carry Association.

The association offers a 24-hour hotline, an attorney on retainer, bail money and a wallet-sized card instructing members on what to say after a shooting — starting at just $13 a month.

For centuries, the right to take a life to defend one's own life has been recognized across different legal systems and traditions.

But Florida, like many states, had this caveat: Armed citizens must try to get out of harm's way before defending themselves with deadly force.

"Stand your ground" changed all that. The 2005 law, backed by the National Rifle Association, says a citizen "has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground" if they believe they must defend themselves from serious injury or death.

To proponents, "stand your ground" affirms a gun owner's right to self-defense. But critics believe that without the duty to retreat, the law promotes a "shoot-first" mentality.

A 2012 Tampa Bay Times investigation showed that the law has been applied unevenly (favoring Whites) and in unforeseen ways. People have escaped prosecution for taking a life while involved in criminal activities, for firing on unarmed persons, even when they started the confrontation that led to the shooting.

"Stand your ground" caught on. Similar laws spread to more than 30 other states.

Thanks to America's voter apathy, which is largely the fault of the GOP and its increasing number of voter suppression laws created by America's 31 Republican Governors, they were able to enact this law in each state headed by a Republican. Disaffected voters are mistaken if they think it doesn't matter which candidate earns their vote. That's what the SYG proponents are counting on so they can perpetuate this sort of sick injustice and legalize shooting another human being... just cuz... or maybe it's another example of White Supremacy gone amok. Your vote is needed to remove the Republican ammosexuals who enact this SYG law, kick 'em out of each and every state!

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