Trump Brags That He 'Did A Good Job' On Birther Issue During Debate
Why is he proud of trying to humiliate the first African-American President? His supporters know why.
Donald Trump bombed so bigly at tonights debate, I am shocked. Honestly. I mean, the bar was set so dang high for Hillary Clinton and so low for Trump...and even he couldn't meet that level, whereas Clinton surpassed all expectations.
One of the best parts, of many, was the Birtherism issue. You know, how Trump hammered Barack Obama for 5+ years about whether he was a real American citizen. Even after the release of his long form birth certificate in 2011, Trump refused to give it up.
Well, just 2 weeks ago Trump finally admitted Obama was an American in a one sentence utterance muttered during a one hour informercial at his new DC hotel at the Old Post Office Pavilion where he duped the press into covering. Yeah, well Lester Holt wasn't letting it go that easy.
Here is the exchange tonight, where Trump continued to deny that he kept it going or even started it. And in fact, he kept saying he deserved *credit* for making Obama produce his birth certificate, as if it was somehow a badge of honor to try and humiliate the nation's first African-American president.
He tried (and failed) to pin it on other people, like Sidney Blumenthal. The audience didn't care and Hillary Clinton didn't take the bait.
Also, what was up with all that sniffing?