Trump Campaign Chair In Ohio: 'There Was No Racism Before Obama' UPDATE: She's Resigned.

Kathy Miller dismissed the suggestion that Trump was exploiting racist or prejudiced views among some voters as ‘the media making stuff up’. (The Guardian)

This piece by The Guardian's Paul Lewis looks and sounds more like something pulled straight from The Daily Show, but it's probably an accurate reflection of the views of some mostly older, white voters who don't find anything offensive or ignorant with what this lady is saying.

Really, you ought to just click on the link below and watch the whole thing (12 minutes), and not just this segment but others in the series.

Source: The Guardian

Donald Trump’s campaign chair in a prominent Ohio county has claimed there was “no racism” during the 1960s and said black people who have not succeeded over the past half-century only have themselves to blame.

Kathy Miller, who is white and chair of the Republican nominee’s campaign in Mahoning County, made the remarks during a taped interview with the Guardian’s Anywhere but Washington series of election videos.

“If you’re black and you haven’t been successful in the last 50 years, it’s your own fault. You’ve had every opportunity, it was given to you,” she said.

Miller also called the Black Lives Matter movement “a stupid waste of time” and said lower voter turnout among African Americans could be related to “the way they’re raised”.
Miller added: “I don’t think there was any racism until Obama got elected. We never had problems like this ... Now, with the people with the guns, and shooting up neighborhoods, and not being responsible citizens, that’s a big change, and I think that’s the philosophy that Obama has perpetuated on America.”

UPDATE: Kathy Miller has just resigned.

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