Whoa! Luke Russert Tells The Truth About GOP And Birtherism
Gotta praise where praise is due. Luke Russert, at long last, comes clean on the GOP and birtherism.
Whether it's because his surrogate father John Boehner finally has a lucrative job with big Tobacco, or because he himself has been away from NBC News long enough to get the "both sides do it" stink off, Luke Russert this morning at long last told a true thing about the Republican Party and birtherism, More of this please, Luke:
There were stories in places like Salon in the Summer of 2009 about Congresspeople who were toying with the birther issue, including current Republican front benchers Marsha "Baby Parts Lie" Blackburn and Jim "Snowball on the Senate Floor so No Climate Change" Inhofe.
I don't wonder for long why Luke didn't bring this up repeatedly while covering Congress for NBC.
That's okay, Luke. We are learning, in this year most of all, what another Luke, Luke 12, teaches:
There is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known.