Bernie Sanders Blasts The Notion That Clinton Insulted His Supporters

Sanders put to rest any idea that his supporters should be offended by comments made in February.

"State of the Union" host, Jake Tapper is trying to get a reaction from Senator Bernie Sanders regarding an excerpt of hacked audio, which could be interpreted as an insult to some of his supporters, if taken out of context. Hillary was brutally honest and blunt, but Sanders realizes that her intentions were good and she grasps the severity of the college affordability crisis.

The original publisher of the hack, The Washington Free Beacon, is a sensationalist, reprehensible right-wing rag, run by Bloody Bill Kristol's son-in-law, Matthew Continetti. The site obtained this hacked audio from a Hillary Clinton closed-door fundraiser from February, 2016. The Free Beacon is entirely devoted to sabotaging the Left's efforts to better this nation for the majority of its citizens. First evidenced in 2009 by editor, Continetti, who proved his disloyalty to the U.S.A. by praising Sarah Palin as a genuine asset to our country's governance and bemoaning the 'elite media' for criticizing the dim-witted nutjob. Since then, his disingenuous WFB has been lying to help the Right destroy this country and I've certainly made note of those lies.

The criminal act of hacking seems to be far too acceptable these days, especially after learning about Trump's BFF, Vladimir Putin, who is most assuredly involved. The Russian tyrant is providing his hacking henchman to help the puffy, sniveling liar take down Hillary Clinton and create a world where Russia is unrestricted by any other superpower and would likely annex much of Europe and more.

Tapper was on a mission. Create party disunity among Democrats by rehashing old news and plugging a reprehensible website. Thanks Jake, that's just what America needs now.

TAPPER: I want to make it clear: this is just an excerpt taken from an email hack.

You're out there working very, very hard for Hillary Clinton, trying to get your backers to support Hillary Clinton, someone that they don't trust. What was your reaction when you heard her calling them indefensible, that you were selling them false promises?

SANDERS: If you listen to the whole discussion she had, a very important point she made is that a lot of young people, who went in to debt, worked very hard to get a good education, get out of school and can't find jobs commensurate with the education that they received and there's a lot of unhappiness about young people and this is an issue that we must address. But the bottom line here is that I think that what Secretary Clinton and I have done since the election, since the primary nominating process, we have worked together in a number of areas. Secretary Clinton has worked with me to make certain that public colleges and universities become tuition-free for all families earning $125,000 or less. That we double funding for community health centers, which means that we'll have access to primary care, for millions more Americans and, by the way, she's come up with an Estate Tax proposal which will ask the wealthiest families in this country to start paying their fair share.

Tapper seemed to want Sanders to malign Hillary and force the Senator to reveal his anger over the comments made back in February. He also encourages viewers to go to the deplorable Washington Free Beacon's site, even if it's antithetical to the views expressed by Hillary's surrogate, Bernie Sanders. To further cement their dishonesty, today's WFB featured another Clinton hit piece entirely focused upon the one negative comment heard during Sanders' appearance on CNN's "SOTU," and didn't mention all the concurrence between the two former rivals. The WFB left out 98% of the interview and harped on one out of context remark. Surprised?

TAPPER: She also said this about your supporters and let me also remind people to go to the website, they have the whole comments. she said this about your supporters.

Wonder if Bloody Bill or Continetti paid for a plug?

HILLARY (from hacked audio) Some are new to politics completely. They are children of the great recession and living in their parents' basement. So if you're feeling that you're consigned to, you know, being a barista or, you know, some other job that doesn't pay a lot and doesn't have much of a ladder of opportunity attached to it, then maybe, just maybe, you could be part of a political revolution political party.

SANDERS: There are young people who went deeply in to debt, worked hard to get an education and are getting out of school and can't find decent-paying jobs. They are living in their parents' basements and that's the point. so I personally do believe we need a political revolution, that we need to transform the society, create decent-paying jobs and make sure Donald Trump and his billionaire friends pay their fair share of taxes, do what Donald Trump doesn't want us to do, address the crisis of climate change, transform our energy system, do what Donald Trump does not want us to do, raise the minimum wage to a living wage and a pay equity for women...

Tapper tried again to evoke some rage from Bernie, in vain, thankfully.

TAPPER: Senator, what would you say to a Bernie Sanders supporter who listens to that tape and thinks that sounds condescending to call me a basement-dwelling barista and that is buying false promises from Bernie Sanders and I think she's using Bernie Sanders to get elected. What is your message to that Bernie Sanders supporter?

Sanders had no interest in quibbling over the minutiae of that one 'offensive' basement comment and he obliterates Tapper's efforts to detract from the big picture.

SANDERS: ...Take a hard look at the needs of the American people. And issue by issue, whether it is climate change, whether it is Citizens United, the need to overturn that, pay equity for women, raising the minimum wage to a living wage, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, a tax system that says to Trump and his friends, they are going to start paying their fair share of taxes. look at Clinton's positions, Trump's positions, understand that one or the other of those two will be the next President of the United States; and after you take a hard look at those two candidates and their issues, I think the conclusion that the vast majority of people will reach is that Cinton is far and away the superior candidate.

Thanks again Bernie for keeping it real.

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