Bill Maher Rips Ken Bone And His Fellow Undecided Voters

Real Time's Bill Maher asks the same question that a lot of us have been asking after watching this Trumpster fire for the last year or so. How in holy hell is anyone still an undecided voter?

Why in the hell anyone fell in love with Ken Bone, one of the so-called "undecided voters" that asked a question about energy policy at the last presidential debate, is beyond me, but they did, hailing him as some model of mutual respect and decency. It turns out the man, as they discussed over at The Daily Beast this weekend, is "not nearly as adorable as we thought" given his comment history over at Reddit.

Color me not shocked. Bill Maher went after Bone and his ilk during his New Rules segment this Friday evening for another reason entirely, which is how in holy hell anyone can still be calling themselves an undecided voter at this point.

MAHER: Why? Because after fifteen months of this campaign he's still too stupid to pick Hillary over President Pussy Grabber? For me the great sadness of this election is knowing that even if Trump doesn't become president, we live in a country where half the people think he should be.

Now, I would really like to ask Mr. Ken Bone, or any undecided voter as these last fifteen months rolled along, there was no breaking point for you? Trump saying he would kill the children of terrorists with drone strikes, physically throwing out twelve million Mexicans, banning all Muslims, giving Saudi Arabians nukes, running a scam university, cheating veterans out of charity money, not paying taxes, picking Putin as his favorite leader, not being able to let go of a feud for a whole week with a beauty queen, the impressions of the handicapped? Nothing?

Apparently not. Maher went onto slam Trump for not respecting his own voters, and calling them stupid in Iowa, and his voters for proving his point.

Let's hope he's wrong about the apocalyptic vision of our future coming to pass. In the meantime, watching this election season, the feelings of dread and weeping for our country are perfectly understandable.

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