Donald Trump Presents His 'Grievanceburg Address'

Someone should tell Trump that endless whining is not presidential.

This is how the election winds down: Trump whines, the crowds get a little sparser, a little less exuberant. No one wants to hear a loser.

Source: Mediaite

CNN reporter Jim Acosta reacted to Donald Trump‘s big Gettysburg speech today by remarking on how it began with an airing of grievances.

Trump’s campaign billed this speech as a big policy-oriented vision of his first 100 days in office, but before Trump got to that part he complained about the media and said he would sue his accusers after the election.

Acosta said, “This sounded very much like the Grievanceburg Address, not the Gettysburg Address. It was Donald Trump running through basically everything that is getting on his nerves these days.”

Twitter was, of course, a source of merciless ridicule.

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