Enough About The Damn Emails!

We can control what is discussed in the news for the next week.

I am not a political writer. I fell into political writing because of my interest in organizations such as Judicial Watch and their abuse of the FOIA. This included Judicial Watch's who-knows-how-many Clinton email FOIA demands and lawsuits.

I have published several writings on the Clinton emails, so it may come as an odd twist to say that enough is enough about the Clinton emails and the FBI's recent actions.

I want to chastise Comey as much as the next person. I am furious at his actions, and the actions of a shadow group in the FBI that seems to be doing all it can to influence this election. Comey's actions have openly demonstrated the level of collusion implicit in the FBI/Congressional interactions. These actions should generate serious concern now and in the future. But this last week before the election should be a final time of comparing candidates who are up for election rather than focusing on the mechanizations of people in power.

We should be comparing Clinton and Trump across a spectrum of behaviors and policies, not just one topic that has been covered to death. And that means we progressives, we liberals, need to shut the hell up at this point so that the Media doesn't slavishly repeat the same information ad nauseum in its desperate quest for attention. Make no mistake: it is attention from both liberals and conservatives that drive news stories, not just conservatives.

We need to pound on Comey until it finally sinks through that dense fog of self-righteousness he surrounds himself with that he needs to resign for the good of the country. But doing so now just rewards his unconscionable activity—and that of the many House Republicans complicit in this attempt to undermine the Presidential election.

I want to elect Hillary Clinton because she's a good person who has the experience, capability, and caring to be a good leader. I want to elect Jason Kander and other Democrats in my state of Missouri, not only because they are also good people, but to demonstrate to the world that Missourians are not hopeless despite what past stories have shown. I would like to help Democrats in other states win their elections because they represent the best of our party.

I can spend the next week promoting all these good people, or I can spend it saying how much I despise Comey.

Trick or Treat. I choose Treat.

Once we've elected Hillary Clinton as first woman President of the United States, hopefully giving her a Democratic Senate and House, then we can return to Comey's actions. Comey will learn what it means to mess with our election.

For now, though, we have good people to support and elections to win.

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