Fifty State Strategy? Meet 'Mormons For Hillary'

A new video that....oh lord...

The video shows a series of white people clearly dressed with modesty in mind, and I have to assume they are Mormons, reading an excerpt from Hillary Clinton's book, "It Takes a Village."

They're Mormons for Hillary.

When Reverend William Barber spoke at The Democratic National Convention this summer, some of my Twitter peeps expressed dismay that our party had gone so over the top religion plus politics. Don't we hate that? Aren't we all full church versus state heathen and proud?

Well, no.

Here's the deal: there's only one political party left for sane people of every religious practice and experience. And there has always been one party with a tent big enough to include atheists, agnostics, and social justice theists. William Barber and Bill Maher can both vote Democratic, this year and every year.

The executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Barry Lynn, is an ordained minister. A great many "believers" also believe strongly in Church-State separation. Church and state are separate in the Constitution but people of faith vote and they often vote what they perceive to be their religious values.

Turns out much of the Republican Party has been faking those values, and they finally got caught when they nominated Donald Trump.

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