Nicolle Wallace Finally Predicts Women Will Leave The GOP

Women are being driven away from the misogynist GOP, especially after Trump praised Newt's sleazy skit with Megyn Kelly.

Three Republicans, all suffering in various stages of GOP denial, spoke with Brian Williams on his MSNBC half hour show. Nicolle Wallace (yes, that one), the Bush speech writer who is reluctantly coming to grips with the reality that her party is now run by all the inmates in the asylum, was the most outspoken regarding this affront to women by Republicans. They are finally seeing the forest for the trees.

This segment was based on this blatantly misogynist 'phenomenon' as 'breaking news.' Many of us liberals who've noticed the Republicans' war on women for decades would never say "I told you so, right?"

BRIAN WILLIAMS: (As printed in the WaPo) "As members of their male-dominated party step up to defend Donald Trump against accusations of sexual assault, they are causing irreparable damage to the GOP's deteriorating relationship with female voters." Also, the Wall Street Journal out tonight with this headline: "Conservative Christian Women Turn away from Donald Trump."

Williams replayed the hideous staged defense of Donald's predatory behavior that Newt Gingrich acted out on Megyn Kelly's show. Megyn definitely hasn't forgotten the abuse she suffered at the hands of Orange Julius, and seeing it again is just as cringe-worthy as it was the first time.

WILLIAMS: Nicole it is hard to believe it's been just 24 hours since we laid eyes on that clip. Was Trump sanctioning it by the call out of Newt Gingrich?

WALLACE: Sanctioning it? He was applauding it. We didn't get to it last night but I had a feeling they were running a play. He didn't lose his temper with Megyn Kelly, this was a plan. Trump has been running against Megyn Kelly with such fervor, I think some people wondered if he'd run against Hillary Clinton with the same focus,maybe he'd be doing better. This war on women, this is a conversation that's been happening in private for many, many months.

Even USA Today's Heidi Przybyla said that she's practically clutching her pearls over the first Senator to endorse Drumpf, Jeff Sessions, who thinks 'it's okay to grab women by the 'p word.' It's absolutely worse than locker room talk, it's APPALLING! (they just noticed?)

The panel, which also included Michael Steele, are in concurrence that this train is totally off the rails and women should be pretty miffed at the conduct of their party's hierarchy.

When this last Trumpster fire-week began with Donald's admission that the he groped an adult film actress, that was the final straw. A frustrated Nicolle breaks it down, leaving no doubt what she believes should happen with this (hopefully) next GOP Post Mortem:

I would describe the sentiment among most Republican women that I talk to as disgust. And I think that there will be a reckoning, not just on election day, but all of the people, all of the men that have stood with Donald Trump and have not called out this flagrant misogyny, I think will pay a price many, many months down the road after election day.

Oh please, let this be so! Does anyone else wonder when Wallace will come out as a Democrat? Perhaps never, as her MSNBC paycheck is generally larger because she's the token GOP woman.

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