Fox And Friends Tries To Equate Trump With Clinton Camp's Critique Of Right Wing Catholics

The ding dongs on the Fox "sofa of outrage" are aghast! Wikileaks exposes that Clinton camp thinks right wing Catholicism is sexist?

The latest Wikileaks email dump, the Podesta hacked emails Part 3, have been scrutinized by opposition Republicans obsessively since they were released Monday. Alas! They believe they've found a fatal flaw, one that they want equate with Trump's 'locker room' remarks that were revealed last week.

It was revealed that two of Clinton's current campaign staffers, in emails from 2011, discussed Conservative Catholicism, and their sin was that they were too blunt about the outdated gender roles delineated by the faith. One of them even said that Conservative Catholicism is only palatable to the ultra-wealthy and ultra-devout believer. Oh the horror!

The Fox pals added former PM Cameron aide, Steve Hilton, the Crowdpac CEO known for his outrage that American Universities are liberal-minded, to comfort each other over the brutal honesty of the five-year-old email.

Thankfully, they were on the fainting couch already, so they were in no danger of head trauma.

The ultra-sanctimonious Tucker Carlson was subbing for Brian Kilmeade, so he made the conversation infinitely more patronizing, as he always does.

Warning, this link goes to Hannity.

Amongst the newly released documents, one email exchange in particular should draw the ire of conservatives–and American Catholics specifically. The 2011 email, entitled “Conservative Catholicism” comes from John Halpin, a senior fellow at the left-wing Center for American Progress (CAP), and is addressed to Jennifer Palmieri, formerly of the CAP and current Director of Communications for the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and John Podesta. The email, in which Catholic beliefs are referred to as “backwards”, drips with contempt for Catholic Americans and Conservative Catholics in particular. “Many of the most powerful elements of the conservative movement are all Catholic (many converts) from the SC and think tanks to the media and social groups,” Halpin writes to Podesta. “They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy.” Palmieri piles onto the Catholic bashing in her response. “I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion,” Palmieri writes. “Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they became evangelicals.”

Perhaps the wording is harsh, but nothing they wrote was untrue. Catholicism under Pope Francis has tried modernize their backward gender roles and patriarchy, albeit slowly. Podesta wasn't even the author of any of the comments made in 2011. To say this is equal to the "groping and sexually assaulting women" admissions is insane. But they were certainly playing that tune today, throwing out anything to distract us from the sex tape trumpster fire.

Ainsley Earhardt asserted that it is Hillary Clinton's campaign who is mocking Christianity, even if these are illegally obtained emails from 2011.

Steve Doocy asks Hilton if he IS a Catholic and he replied, "Yeah, I was raised a Catholic." which completely side-stepped the question. He never said if he IS a practicing Catholic, but he's very outraged nonetheless.

HILTON: We should see some contrition over this, they should be pressed to explain those remarks, and to say that is not the attitude of Hillary Clinton. And if they don't do that, then people will see them for the hypocrites they really are. (Project much, Hilton?)

CARLSON: We sort of know where this attitude comes from. They see sincere religious faith, Christian religious faith, as an impediment to imposing their brave new world they imagine we all need. Isn't that the core problem, that's why they hate...*crosstalk*

HILTON: In a way it's worse because they would like to see Christianity as politically on their side (because Jesus acted like a liberal?) in a way that's worse. They want to make it political...they want to politicize something that is so deeply profound to people, I think it's really disgusting.

The irony of Hilton's statement? We're talking about the political party who wants to do away with the separation of Church and State. One of the most notable is the current GOP VP nominee's ultra-Catholic attitudes towards women.

Everyone on the couch agreed it was their responsibility to spread the news of these "appalling" emails far and wide because the liberal media won't do it.

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