It's Now Obvious Harry Reid Has Frikken Laser Beams Aimed At Donald Trump

Harry Reid minces no words while pushing for a law requiring three years of tax returns from all Presidential candidates.

Harry Reid has nothing to lose.

He's retiring from the Senate this year. The Republicans are still blocking everything in the Senate, including that over six-month-old Supreme Court nomination of Merrick Garland. And Donald Trump vacillates between self-destructing one day and embarrassing the entire Republican ticket the next.

Harry Reid has nothing but time to run against Trump from safe inside the Senate Chamber.

And now the Senate Democrats are daring the Republican Party to block the "The Presidential Tax Transparency Act," which

...requires any candidate of a major party for the office of President to file with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) a copy of the candidate’s income tax returns for the three most recent taxable years for which such a return has been filed with the Internal Revenue Service as of the date of the nomination. In any case in which such a candidate has not filed with the FEC such income tax returns within 30 days after the nomination date, the FEC shall request the Department of the Treasury to furnish the returns.

Donald Trump has not released his taxes, but The New York Times is reporting that in 1995 Trump reported a $916 million loss, and, as a result, may have avoided paying federal income tax for up to 18 years.

So Harry Reid did a Press Release and..well..why don't I just cut and paste the whole thing right here for your enjoyment:

“As I was saying... [snark! -- eds.]

Trump is a billion-dollar loser who won’t release his taxes because they’ll expose him as a spoiled, rich brat who lost the millions he inherited from his father. Despite losing a billion dollars, Trump wants to reward himself with more tax breaks on inherited wealth while stiffing middle-class families who earn their paychecks with hard work.

“Trump is over-leveraged and deeply indebted to someone, but until he releases his taxes we won’t know who. The implications for America’s security are severe. The American people deserve to know who has leverage over this man who wants to be president. In the name of the public interest, the Senate should immediately pass the Presidential Tax Transparency Act, which would force all presidential candidates to release their tax returns. If all senators agreed to pass this act for the good of the country, we could pass it in a matter of minutes.

“Let’s step back and take stock: Senate Republicans have put party so far ahead of country, they’ve endorsed a racist, incompetent failure who managed to lose a billion dollars in a boom year. Now they are helping Trump hide his tax returns and preventing the American people from knowing what individuals, businesses or foreign interests could have leverage over Trump.”

Seriously! Trump is a weakling compared to Lame Duck Harry Reid. Keep it coming, Senate Minority Leader.

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