Jake Tapper Corrects Trump Surrogate: 'This Is A She Said, She Said, She Said, She Said, She Said, She Said, She Said, She Said Situation'
Jake Tapper wins the morning. Rep. Renee Ellmers looked lost out there.h/t @MattGertz
Jake Tapper had Rep. Renee Ellmers on this morning to talk about the election and she tried her best to serve as a female spokesperson for Donald Trump. She attempted to defend Donald Trump against the 11 (or is it 12, I was asleep for a few hours) women who have accused Trump of sexual assault.
Per the handed out flyer of "how to deflect and avoid answering questions directly answer sheet" distributed, she tried her best to somehow make this a false equivalency with Hillary Clinton through her husband's consensual affairs.
Note to Trump spokespersons: Consensual affairs are not the same as forcing yourself on someone in a sexual manner against their will.
Anyways, back to this interview. Tapper wasn't having any of her excuses and tore down her argument in under 10 seconds flat. His comment was spot on.
Watch and enjoy.
Well done, Jake. Well done.