Mark Cuban Swats Howie Kurtz Media Bias: All Trump Had To Do Was Shut Up!

No, Howie, Cuban didn't turn on Trump, he sabotaged himself.

Howie Kurtz can't stop blaming the liberal media for the negative press about the beloved Republican Party. He assumes that the 'Pro-Clinton' media fantasy that exists in his own twisted brain is real, and there's just too much negative coverage of Donald Trump. Let's forget about the current apocalyptic "scandal" generated by FBI Director Comey, under duress from angry Republicans who want him to end Hillary's career. We should simply pretend Trump is the victim here because this is Kurtz's world. Mark Cuban, welcome to Crazytown.

Howie wants the billionaire to defend his favorable opinion about Hillary Clinton. The interview is based on his fantasy that HRC receives all the good press, and poor Donald gets none.

KURTZ: The media coverage of Trump in the last couple of months has been pretty overwhelmingly negative.

CUBAN: Well that's just, that's of his own making isn't it? You can always, if you're going to say the things that he says, if you're gonna, you know, make the flipping comments that he makes, you're going to get covered. I mean look, all he had to do was shut up nine out of ten times and the coverage would be distinctly different. It's just not something he's capable of doing.

Trump's foot-in-mouth disease isn't terribly consequential to Howie Kurtz. He is trying to come to grips with a rich person supporting the likes of Hillary Clinton, and that's what his Fox 'News' audience needs to know. Why are they perfectly okay with a pro-nuke, homicidal maniac as POTUS over a far more qualified woman? They've been programmed to believe that saving tax money for the very wealthy is of the utmost importance. That money will trickle down to them when Hell freezes over.

KURTZ: How did you go from emerging as a kind of a Trump critic to being an open advocate for Hillary Clinton?

CUBAN: I dug in on the email issues and it was clear to me that she dealt with all of her classified documents using hard copy... there's never been reported evidence of pay-to-play. I saw that the foundation did good things. So once I kicked off the things that were kind of the branding issues that were assigned against her, I then decided to endorse her.

Mark Cuban figured out on his own that Donald Trump has done essentially no research on important issues. He sees the obvious character flaws that disqualify anyone from becoming our Commander in Chief, like Trump's impetuousness and instability. When Howie asked him about his own future in politics, he wasn't too keen on the idea. The owner of the Mavericks sees politics as one of the least beneficial ways to build one's brand.

Without naming specifics, he was referring to the disastrous consequences that Trump's candidacy has had on his brand. The exact figures would be revealed by his tax returns, which every presidential candidate has released for decades, but we'll likely never see Donald's returns. The media will forgive and forget that. But, they will salivate over all the unsavory details about Anthony Weiner's perverted escapades, which will somehow be blamed on Hillary. That's because the media is in the tank for Hillary, right?

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