'Token Democrat' Mika Warns Hillary To Ignore Trump's Tax Bombshell

Back from a quick trip from reality, Mika Brzezinski admonishes Hillary to ignore Trump's tax quagmire, because BOTH SIDES!

Mika Brezinski is the "token Democrat" on the Morning Joe show, and her boss Joe Scarborough is not ashamed to put her down for it. But when it comes to tax cuts for the wealthy (and making sure the Social Security cap stays right where it is grand bargain grand bargain) Mika sides with class over party every time. Wouldn't want something like federal taxes to cut in on that Barney's shoe budget, amirite?

Joe Scarborough, just before we join him in the clip above, made one semi-sane remark during this infuriating discussion on Morning Joe. Faster than you can say WRONG, the MoJo panel is back to trying to legitimize the God-awful 'both sides are equal' fallacy to create a faux horserace, that they began in earnest yesterday. Joe explained,

Don't be angry at Donald Trump, be angry at the system... I don't think Donald Trump playing by the rules, is going to resonate with the people in Middle America.

We then return to tilt-a-whirl-intensive spin from these clowns. Donald Trump is "brilliant" and Hillary Clinton is "shady and evasive," in case you had forgotten.

Jihad Joe explains that this tax issue should really resonate with the folks in the middle class. Sure, if the Trump supporters actually gave economic "issues" a moment's thought, they'd be miffed.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Hillary Clinton is more in the pocket of Wall Street than anyone who has run for President in years.

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: She has gamed the system and won't acknowledge it. (Unlike Trump)?

The panel sycophant Willie Geist forecast more Clinton despair, and blamed her for the rise of Trump's poll numbers. He sites a Quinnipiac poll which shows Trump gaining favor among 'Independents' (aka those too embarrassed or too wishy-washy to label themselves Republicans) from 5% to 19%. He confirms the cognitive dissonance of Trump supporters voting not for issues but for "feelings."

GEIST: People are not paying attention to these nitty-gritty stories. (Mika sighs) He's a feeling to them. He is raging against this government machine.

MIKE BARNICLE: ...Did he address any of the things (tax loopholes) he took advantage of?

MIKA: Mike, I totally agree with you. I'm watching these two candidates. I know, and you know, there's one that keeps kind of doing, doing this thing that penetrates the ether; that the, the, the people are hearing they feel, the "truth" from Donald Trump.

MIKE BARNICLE: And that is on Secretary Clinton; that she hasn't told us, really, where she wants to go. (except that she has, she wants the wealthy to pay something closer to their fair share, and they ALL know that).

MIKA: Right, and I think the reaction to this New York Times story and on Trump's part was brilliant and the thing is, he didn't even think twice about it. He just went there. (She managed to say this without visibly suppressing the urge to gag).

Caution: it may take some time for you to fetch your jaw from the floor following this soliloquy, delivered at breakneck speed.

MIKA: While she has been hiding this speech money (she hasn't) hiding this (CGI) Foundation stuff (utterly false and baseless), hiding this email stuff (no wrongdoing ever proven) and trying to get around it, (get back to maybe, running for POTUS?) mistakes were made and I'm telling you, people don't, they are not feeling a complete connection with her. And this doesn't help to get all high-and-mighty! Get off your high horse about this tax thing, unless laws were broken! It's not an issue! You guys cancel each other out!

Credit: @EricBoehlert

Sadly, Mika seems to be oblivious to the fact that she has sold her slightly progressive soul to her Republican masters, which ironically "cancels out" her sense of self. But hey, Mika, know your value!


She wants to be aggressive for herself, and tell women (of her class) to demand that raise without apology? But Hillary shouldn't go after Trump because tax dodges for rich Manhattanites are perfectly legal la la la poll numbers.

Yep, Joe and Mika make hundreds of thousands of dollars each MONTH, and pretend they have no skin in the game when it comes to taxing the rich. But if they think it's perfectly okay to prop up Trump for the tax cuts and ratings, they are playing fast and loose with the safety and well-being of hundreds of thousands of Americans who are not Rich. Like. Them.

Mika Brezinski pretends to be the progressive voice on that show? Really.

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