John Amato Talks Vice Presidential Debate With Digby
On a special edition of the BradCast. Have a listen!
It's always a treat to hear our own VlogFather, John Amato, analyze the week's news on any outlet. This week Amato appeared with Digby on the BradCast:
On today's [10/5] BradCast, coverage and analysis of this year's one and only (thank God!) Vice Presidential Debate at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia on Tuesday night between Hillary Clinton's centrist Democratic running mate Sen. Tim Kaine of VA and Donald Trump's religious right Republican running mate Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana.
I'm joined today to try and make sense of all of the above by Heather Digby Parton of Salon and the Hullabaloo blog, John Amato, founder of the Crooks and Liars blog and, of course, our own Desi Doyen.
Buckle up and tune in as we "whip out that Mexican thing again"...