Scottie Nell Hughes Continues To Earn Her Paycheck By Selling Her Soul For Trump

Absolutely disgraceful comments from Trump spokesperson Scottie Nell Hughes.

Unless you have been under a rock for the last 4 hours, you have heard or seen or read about this absolutely disgusting video where he calls women names, describes their bodies using vulgar language and describes his views on the acceptability of sexual assault.

One of his spokeswomen, Scottie Nell Hughes continued the sale of her soul to the devil with a no holds barred, clearance sale on what was left of her dignity. In this clip watch her try to explain away Trump's statements as proof that "he liked beautiful women."

Host Erin Burnett related a story about her friend, who was "given Tic Tacs" and then kissed by Trump. Watch Hughes' face as Burnett relates the story.

What Hughes does next is disgusting. She defends Trump by saying he likes women. What?

Since when does talking about women as objects to assault equal liking them? I think you are confusing assault and potential rape for affection.

Then she goes on to further try to explain away his deplorable comments as part of "that world, celebrity" and part of "movies."

No, Scottie. There is no excuse. There is no spin. There is no way to explain this away.

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