Van Jones: The 'Super Predator' Is The Man Running For President

CNN's Van Jones ripped Donald Trump for his previous comments about the Central Park 5 on CNN's State of the Union.

Donald Trump has refused to back down from his view that the Central Park Five are guilty, even though they were exonerated and settled the case for $40 million dollars with New York City. Back in May of 1989, Donald Trump paid the New York Times and 3 other publications a total of $85,000 to run an ad calling for the death penalty for the still innocent young men accused of this horrific crime.

In the ad, Trump said: “I want to hate these muggers and murderers. They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes. They must serve as examples so that others will think long and hard before committing a crime or an act of violence.”

He was calling for a modern day lynching in the streets of NYC for five teenagers that had only been charged with a crime, not convicted. After pleading guilty and serving years in prison, all five young men were cleared of the crime when DNA exonerated them.

But, similar to the birther issue, Trump just won't let it go. Trump still thinks the Central Five are guilty even though they were exonerated by DNA evidence. Yes, he is stupid enough to think that DNA evidence to exclude can be wrong.


Well, Van Jones isn't having it. Today on CNN he flat out declared that Trump is the true super predator, based not only on his statements on the "grab that pu**y" tape that was released on Friday, but on his confessed actions on that tape as well. He flat out says he grabs women against their will, forces himself on them and kisses them and that they don't stop him because he is rich and famous.

Jones said on CNN today: "well, look, this is a shocking kind of moment I think for the country but I want to say a couple things. First of all, this is the law and order candidate. Let’s not forget, this is Mr. law and order who is now on tape confessing to a crime. He’s confessing to sexual assault. The problem isn’t the talk, the problem isn’t the bad word, the problem is the bad deeds. He’s saying he feels he has the right as a star to sexually assault women. Now, the irony here is this for me — this man came on to the scene politically in New York City attacking five innocent black boys accusing them of what — sexual assault.”

Exactly, Trump admits to committing sexual assault. Not only that, he is bragging about it.

Jones continues “That was the central part of — that’s right, I’m sticking up for my country, That’s right. He comes on to the scene. He says these five boys committed sexually assault. They were innocent. He never apologized. Then he said Mexican immigrants are rapist, sexual assaulters. And it turns out the sexual assault assaulter, the super predator is the man running for president. We have a super predator running for president, his name is Donald Trump. I want to challenge the media now, put up the pictures of those five young innocent black boys and Donald Trump and ask America who is a thug here? Who is a thug? It’s Donald Trump.”

Trump, super predator running for President.

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