The Viral And Funny 'Please Re-Elect Gerald' Ad
More views than voters for the funniest political ad of 2016.
This video has more views that the total number of voters eligible to vote in the advertised campaign. But who's counting?
Nevertheless, Motto/Time Magazine isn't entirely impressed:
Election fatigue has got us all a little weary. One thing a lot of us can probably agree on across the board, though, is that political attack ads are not especially fun, even when you’re on the side of the candidate approving them. Charlyn Daugherty understands this. In the plainly titled “Please Re-Elect Gerald,” the wife of Gerald Daugherty, a Texas Republican up for re-election as Precinct 3’s Travis County Commissioner, gives an amusingly deadpan performance about why her husband is a sad man with no skills except politicking, and how she needs voters to help her get him out of the house. It’s good value – as entertainment and maybe even campaign strategy – but relies on some pretty outdated gender stereotypes to see it through.
Yeah those gender stereotypes are outdated, unless that guy is just like your first husband. Don't judge.