What Did Jason Chaffetz Know And When Did He Know It?
Joan Walsh on MSNBC's AM Joy tells host Joy-Ann Reid that reporters will be asking a lot of questions in the coming days about whether someone at the FBI leaked to Rep. Jason Chaffetz and if that led to him forcing FBI Director James Comey's hand.
Looking back on the day before the Comey letter leaked about this insane possible new Hillary Clinton email non-scandal... I mean, Huma's emails, ...I mean, Anthony Weiner's...er..., something seems odd. A few things happened that just don't add up.
Joan Walsh of The Nation asks a question many of us in the media have been pondering over the last few days: When did Jason Chaffetz find out about this Comey letter?
Walsh says:
There is a lot of speculation that he had heads up on the Comey revelation. He tweeted it out before his Democratic colleagues had gotten the letter. He seemed to know that something was coming. He actually reversed his Trump endorsement the day before. What was his role? Was he leaked some of this new information so that he put pressure on Comey?
First of all, we start with Chaffetz, endorsing Trump, then un-endorsing him three weeks ago, then re-endorsing him four days ago. Yes, he flipped, flopped and flipped back again in just a few weeks. I have whiplash from trying to keep up.
So the first two flips and flops I get. First, he supported the GOP nominee. Fine. Party lines and all. And then he flopped to un-endorse after the release of that horrific "grab that p*ssy" video by saying: "I'm out. I can no longer in good conscience endorse this person for president" because he could no longer look his 15-year-old daughter in the eye after what he called "some of the most abhorrent and offensive comments that you can possibly imagine."
Strong words, right?
Well, totally out of the blue on Wednesday night, Chaffetz tweeted this spineless tweet out about not endorsing, but definitely voting for, Donald Trump:
Gah, you are the worst, Chaffetz. Good luck explaining to your daughter how not only are you voting for a man who brags about sexual assault, has been accused by twelve women of doing just that and is on trial for the rape of a 13 year old. But hey, at least you aren't "endorsing" him.
Anyhow, back to Friday. So now there is speculation that maybe, possibly, probably, Chaffetz got wind of these emails and put pressure on Comey to release some late October bombshell. Hence his non-endorsement support. Oh, and there is the whole, tweeting this out before the Dems even saw the letter:
And the case isn't actually "reopened." If he had taken the time to stop jumping for joy and used his reading comprehension skills to focus on the words on the paper he would have read this critical passage:
"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear pertinent to the investigation."
Unrelated case. As in, not related to anything about Hillary Clinton's server. You know, the case he suggested was reopened but actually isn't because words have meanings.
So here is the million dollar question - did Chaffetz and his army of GOP goons put pressure on Comey to release this information to try to sway the election? Only time will tell what actually happened behind the scenes, but when you look at the entire picture and timeline, it is all too convenient to be coincidence.