On Air Media Hides Failure Bald Spot With A 'Comey-Over'

People with face time on cable news: "If only we could have covered Trump's finances this past weekend!"

It isn't our imagination. The Comey "scandal" release from Friday sucked all the oxygen out of all election media coverage for at least three days.

And it isn't just recent developments, either. This has been a habit. A bad bad habit:

And media types across the spectrum wring their hands and wonder about the most "undercovered" story of the election season....

Donald Trump's fraud in pretending to give to charity when he hasn't.

Anna Palmer of Politico thinks someone really should talk about that, I mean, David Farenthold has done such wonderful work and deserves a Pulitzer but not just anyone who is being interviewed on television could bring up Donald Trump's lying about charitable giving, or talk about the article in The Washington Post that explains how Trump claimed to give millions to charity but never did.

I mean, Emails! Emails people!

It's not like sitting in a panel on television gives you a microphone!

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