Ben Carson: Clinton Shouldn't Mention Trump's KKK Support Because Dems Were Party Of Slavery And Jim Crow

Trump supporter Ben Carson with some selective amnesia about that little thing called the Civil Rights movement on this weekend's Fox & Friends.

Trump supporter Ben Carson with some selective amnesia about that little thing called the Civil Rights movement on this weekend's Fox & Friends:

"Their default position when they become more desperate is to play the race card," Dr. Ben Carson said of President Obama and Hillary Clinton on Fox & Friends.

Carson was reacting to the two dignitaries' remarks at rallies Saturday in which they brought up the Ku Klux Klan's apparent support for the Republican presidential candidate.

In North Carolina, Clinton said Trump was endorsed by the hate group's magazine.

Earlier this year, David Duke, a former Klan leader and candidate for U.S. Senate in Louisiana, endorsed Trump, who later disavowed his support.

Also, on Fox & Friends today, Trump surrogate Brunell Donald-Kyei brought up Clinton's past friendship with the late Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.), who was at one time a recruiter for the group.

But, Byrd repeatedly denounced his activity later in life.

"They're very disturbed by the fact that Donald Trump isn't taking the bait and running down the rabbit hole [on references to the Klan]," Carson said.

"It's not very wise to bring up the KKK-- it opens the door to begin to talk about who started the KKK--that was the Democrats. Who was the party of slavery? Who was the party of Jim Crow [laws]...and segregation?" Carson asked.

He said that "a lot" of African-American voters are reconsidering their support of Clinton:

"It's not that [they] have not recognized that the Democrats have sold them a bill of goods--it's just that they didn't feel that they had anyplace else to go."

These clowns love their revisionist history, don't they? They apparently count on their viewers being completely oblivious to anything other than the version they're continually fed on their network and right wing hate talk.

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