Brian Williams Calls Mark Halperin A Trump Shill, To His Face

It's pretty delish.

This is pretty on the mark. Mark Halperin, that is.

BRIAN WILLIAMS: (to Mark Halperin) When Donald Trump complains that he is not getting favorable coverage in the MSM? He has not been listening to you this cycle. I think you've gone OUT OF YOUR WAY to find the path, argue for the path, forge the path for him in an argumentative way, with your co-host, to the nomination. Tonight, I thought you were interestingly optimistic. Where are you getting the path of positivity you laid out on your broadcast?

MARK HALPERIN: Well, it's not based on optimism, it's based on the data, and what's going on in the battleground states. I agree with Steve, I think she's still overwhelmingly the favorite.

Make sure you watch this clip again and keep your eyes on Nicolle Wallace's face. She's just about to bust a gut laughing at the widely acknowledged Trump-toady Halperin.

Let's never forget the time he suggested Trump could win California.

And the time he made excuses for Trump's donation to Pam Bondi, who then dropped her investigation of Trump University:

And when he praised Trump for "cleaning up his mess" on Iran?

I could do this ALL DAY.....

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