Sen. Richard Burr Suggests Clinton Should Be Shot

Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) has been reported to Secret Service after he was caught on tape this week joking that gun owners should think about shooting Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) has been reported to Secret Service after he was caught on tape this week joking that gun owners should think about shooting Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

In an audio tape obtained by CNN, Burr said that "nothing made me feel better" than seeing Clinton's picture on the front of a rifle magazine during a recent visit to a gun shop.

"I was a little bit shocked at that -- it didn't have a bullseye on it," he quipped to supporters.

Burr later apologized and acknowledged that the remarks were "inappropriate."

The group Democratic Coalition Against Trump on Monday asked the Secret Service to take the threat seriously.

"On Monday evening, the Democratic Coalition Against Trump reported the threats made against Secretary Clinton by Senator Richard Burr to the North Carolina Secret Service," according to a statement from the group.

“Thanks to Donald Trump’s place at the top of the ticket, Republicans, namely Senator Richard Burr, believe that they can joke about bullseyes being placed on the back of someone running for the highest office in the country," Democratic Coalition Against Trump Senior Advisor Scott Dworkin explained. “We cannot allow this type of rhetoric to continue in our political system- I can only hope it all will end when Trump is defeated next week."

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