Federalist Publisher: Recalling Jeff Sessions' Racist Past 'Very Unfair'

Box Turtle Ben Domenech is appalled that MSNBC would resort to historical facts to prove a point.

The particularly odious, conservative chameleon, Ben Domenech, publisher and former anti-Trump movement spokesman of The Federalist, is the 'journalistic' equivalent of Speaker Zombie-Eyed Granny Starver Paul Ryan. Both wouldn't be seen publicly with Trump just a few weeks before the election, yet are now ardent cheerleaders because Trump will help Ryan rob America of trillions of hard-earned dollars from Social Security and Medicare, finally!

Ben has appeared often on All In with Chris Hayes to oppose Trump in the past, until recently, when it was no longer politically expedient. He played the both sides game, blaming everyone but his own class of journalist grifters, for the populist rise of a narcissistic, lying charlatan as a candidate for POTUS.
Here's a direct quote, from last January, about Trump's promises:

DOMENECH: The promises that he makes on the campaign trail, there's never any actual specificity to it and when there is it's often unconstitutional. Things that fly in the face of everything that we understand about the rule of law and I think that he's able to get away with this because the perception that many on the Right; and I think a good a good many on the inside of the Independent disaffected voter community have of this President and this White House is that they have really operated and that they've done things according to their will to achieve their ends and all they want is someone who will basically operate the same way you will.

He wasn't a fan of Trump's at all, but like a good GOP lapdog, he simultaneously leveled an unfounded blow to the current administration, as if President Obama is similarly autocratic in his administration. Republicans have been lying about that since before President Obama was sworn in, January 2009. Both sides, both sides.

Steve Kornacki, MSNBC's self-professed polling guru took a break from his role as a Trump apologist who provided a disturbingly inappropriate giddy delivery of election 'results,' to guest-host a normally watchable show. Kornacki served as a punching bag for Domenech, who changes his principles as often as he changes his socks. Box Turtle Ben played the tough guy, pretending he's been on the Trump team all along, scores of interviews, articles and soundbites be damned. Like the demure beaten wife, Kornacki took his lumps.

Folks like Ayn Rand sycophant Paul Ryan and Domenech don't care one bit that an unhinged racist fascist autocrat is now at the helm of this once 'great' country. They're financially set. In fact, they look at it more like this: Hooray! Time to rob the American people of trillions of dollars that they've accrued in the Social Security insurance account. We got ours, who cares? The American voters' memory is incredibly short. They won't know who stole their hard-earned money. Hell, let's blame it on the Black guy for the next four years. Who's going to check the facts?

Speaking of facts, Domenech actually clutched his pearls over the fact-based NBC report opening his segment, which was a clip from the 1986 Senate Confirmation Hearings. In it, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III was rejected for a federal judgeship, due to his racist comments like saying to a Black man, "You'd better be careful what you say to White folks." The nerve of diabolical Liberals recalling actual history!

DOMENECH: Jeff Sessions is one of the most loyal people. He's been very close to Trump from the beginning. Frankly, I think it was very unfair of you to present that thirty-year-old footage from an NBC report as being the full story about someone like Jeff Sessions... He prosecuted the head of the KKK in Alabama, ultimately led to the de-funding of the KKK in Alabama.

Domenech failed to mention that Sessions' problem with the Klan, at the time, was the fact that some of the members smoked pot. Sessions said he 'joked' that the KKK was okay, until he learned of the marijuana use. CNN reported Friday:

Thomas Figures, an assistant US Attorney who worked under Sessions in Mobile, testified that he was present when Sessions made the remark and said he did not regard it as a joke.

Figures, who was African-American and passed away last year, also told committee members that Sessions had called him "boy" on several occasions and once cautioned him to "be careful what you say to white folks" after Figures had spoken harshly to a secretary who was White.

Addressing an African-American with the derogatory "Boy" and actually saying, out loud, that the KKK is okay, isn't at all racist, right Ben? Sure.

As for Romney, well, Domenech doubts Romney will garner a role in the Trump cabinet. He understands Trump's selection of Pompeo and Flynn, who makes sense as they've proven their loyalty and weathered the sh*tstorm of Trump's gaffe-laden campaign. Flip-flop Domenech doesn't think Romney is the type of guy Trump would select as a close adviser who should hold a top cabinet position like Secretary of State.

We'll see, maybe he'll bring his binders full of women, who could be grabbed a certain way? That might ingratiate the Etch-A-Sketch Romney to the Lying Narcissist President Elect, might it not?

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