Fox 'News' Guest Says 'Lock Her Up' Was Just A Metaphor

Operation Re-Write History still in full force over at Fox News...

So the Thanksgiving substitutes over at Fox found Federalist editor Mollie Hemingway willing to come in and lie for a segment, score one for the bookers with the big Rolodexes.

And Mollie brought a doozy with her. Donald Trump and his supporter's chants of "lock her up" were just a "metaphor," and how dare the media "flip out" over something that clearly wasn't serious?

I'll make a deal with you, Mollie. If "Lock Her Up" is a metaphor, so are Trump's electoral college votes. Since the whole damn election on the Republican side is just performance art, Trump can resign the office he won with "metaphors" right now.

What do you think these people are going to say about metaphors, Mollie? Why don't YOU ask them?

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