Why Not Burn Books? The Resemblance To Nazi Germany Is Terrifying

Fox token blonde Ainsley Earhardt forgets about the lessons of history and obliviously says something so stupid,

Perhaps you find it suspect that there are a small group of people in higher education who are oddly in favor of pushing Republicans values, yet we know that those values are generally antithetical to logic, reason, science, progress and intelligence. Guess what? You are right, there's something rotten in The State of Denmark and it starts with Kochtopus groups like Leadership Institute and it's little sister, CampusReform.org. Colleges and Universities are no place to push disproven propaganda and when you see these forces at work, your suspicions are very justified.

The Fox and Friends segment discussing the post-Trump election sadness that took over one school in Massachusetts, Hampshire College more specifically, who lowered the flag to half-staff after the suspicious results came in for the Trump 'victory.' The flag was then removed and found burned, on Veterans Day. The guest from the R.W. college infiltration group, Cassie Dylan, and Ainsley and Doocy were just aghast that such a thing would happen. They are the same folks who would have reported Vietnam War protesters like Willard Romney, draft-dodger did back in the 1960's.

The organization known as Campus Reform.org is labeled 'reform' the same way the "clear skies initiative" was pro-pollution. The Leadership Institute (LI) runs the Campus Reform project encouraging students to set up programs to “expose the leftist abuses on your campus."

They seek out and publicize supposed liberal bias at universities, like textbooks that don’t present Ronald Reagan as a saint.

The LI is itself a donor, and look at a few of their 'causes,' which seem to double as a religious 'freedom' fund (Campus Crusade), Koch's Heritage Foundation, Alliance Defense Fund (Focus on the Family religious nuttery) and National Right To Work Legal Defense Fund: a.k.a. the right to work for pennies.

This Cassie representative of the fraudulent GOP-leaning student group speaks in the same sing-song, self-righteous tone that sounds almost identical to Trump nightmare spokesperson, Katrina Pierson. I have a tough time taking Ms. Dylan seriously who says EX-pecially, rather than the adult pronunciation, 'especially.' Pundits and guest mentioned that the liberal arts institution feels that the American Flag represents Islamophobic, Homophobic, intolerant hate and thinks it's not appropriate at this time. It is their right to free speech as guaranteed by the Constitution that the new administration will likely soil and flush down gold-plated toilets.

The real kicker came at the end of the interview. Blonde lady unknowingly said something right out of Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451. The accounts of Nazi book-burnings helped inspire the classic novel, which was one of the most haunting denunciations of censorship in all literature. Apparently Ainsley thinks that if they burn a flag, to remove all flags, she should 'burn a book to remove all books.' **Facepalm.

History's lessons mean nothing to these willfully ignorant morons, and they have the power? We do too. Keep fighting.

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