Is Reince Priebus Spilling More FBI Probe Secrets On Hillary's Emails Or Blowing Smoke?

On today's This Week, Reince Priebus let it slip that he knows something about Hillary Clinton's emails.

Ever since FBI Director James Comey put out that insanely vague letter 9 days ago regarding the discovery of new emails related to Hillary Clinton's private server, the Trump campaign has been feasting on the news like it was chum in the ocean and they are the hungry sharks.

Too bad none were from Hillary Clinton or her server. Too bad Director Comey never came out and explained that. Not that he cares to.

It has also been reported, from Rudy Giuliani's own mouth that he had insider information from the FBI days before Comey's letter came out, a statement that he is now walking back.

Today Reince Priebus was on This Week with George Stephanopoulos and during this little interview said something that struck me as...unusual. Here is the exact exchange:

REINCE PRIEBUS: So we feel good and we think that the American people are finding out that, in fact, Hillary Clinton is crooked and that she has potential broken the law.

And, you know, I just heard the interview about how can Hillary Clinton heal?

Well, she's going to have a hard time healing the country because, number one, she's not going to win. But number two, even if she does, she may have committed serious crimes. So...

STEPHANOPOULOS: Based on what?

PRIEBUS: So I mean it's hard...


PRIEBUS: -- to heal a country.

STEPHANOPOULOS: -- the only conclusion we've had from the FBI director so far is that no reasonable person would have prosecuted.

PRIEBUS: Right. That -- that's their conclusion so far. But they're also actively reviewing 650,000 emails. And I can assure you, that we already know that some of them are not duplicative. Six hundred and fifty thousand emails on Anthony Weiner's laptop suddenly show up about a month ago. The investigation is continuing. And, look, I think the American people have serious concerns about it. I would. And I take most people do. And they think that, obviously, this is going to be a big liability for her.

He just said that he knows that some of the emails are not duplicative...a fact that has not been made public. Is he also asserting that he somehow has access to insider information from the clearly corrupt New York FBI office? How exactly would he know this information and who is leaking it to him?

This is very alarming. Numerous reports have come out recently that have shone a light on the FBI which has made it clear that the agency an should remain unbiased is actually a very Pro-Trump, Anti-Hillary government operation. This is alarming for more reasons than I can possibly list.

Top Democrats have already demanded an investigation into how Rudy Giuliani was privy to insider information days before the public. If Reince is still getting continued and updated information as the FBI begins its search of these emails, it would further support the contention that the FBI is actively trying to affect the outcome of the election.

How long until President Clinton's DOJ investigates and cleans house at the FBI?

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