Jeffrey Lord Says Steve Bannon Is Normal Conservative, Like Limbaugh!

Don't worry, folks, he's just like Rush Limbaugh with a website!

Jeffrey Lord is still working for CNN. Yeah.

This segment started with former Breitbart employee Kurt Bardella, who left the website last Spring over Trump. Bardella defined the problem with

KURT BARDELLA: [ and Steve Bannon] represent a world view that is incredibly dangerous and divisive and to have this kind of proximity to the White House. I mean, Breitbart has gone from being the propaganda arm of the Trump campaign to being the propaganda arm of the Trump White House. That should be concerning to all Americans. Any day you look at their site, it is about one perspective, one agenda and completely the void of reality and facts. And it's all about speaking to the worst divisions amongst the American people and their worst fears to try to advance a very narrow-minded agenda that is designed to just create conflict and, in this case, to prop up their strong man, Donald Trump.

Jeffrey Lord cements his new reputation as the "normalizer" for CNN:

JEFFREY LORD: Chris, I mean, I just disagreed totally with your picture of Steve Bannon. I mean, I read Breitbart every day. I mean, it's conservative. you're not going to hear much difference out of Breitbart than you are from Rush Limbaugh.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN: You think that Rush Limbaugh would be a good guy to have as a president's top strategist. With him spending all his time trying to divide this country?

LORD: Well, Chris, Chris, here's the trick that the Left always plays and you, my friend, played it. you guys divide Americans all the time.

And here is where CNN misses the point, entirely. They now want to raise the alarm about "normalizing" the alt-Right with Steve Bannon, but how much have the already normalized it by hiring Jeffrey Lord as a regular on their network? Jeffrey Lord, who clearly knows to the second exactly how long the CNN segment is going to run, so he can sucker punch Chris Cuomo with the big lie right before he has to go to commercial. Observe:

LORD: All I am saying is I don't remember any of this when the Obama administration was trying to shut down Fox News, which they were trying to do.

CUOMO: Thank you very much.

It's great that CNN is trying to raise the alarm about Steve Bannon. But they can't be an honest broker for truth while paying Jeffrey Lord to do what he did here and does every time he's on the air.

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