John Oliver: 'How The F*ck Did We Get Here?'

Basically asking, 'Where did we go wrong?'

John Oliver spent the entirety of his show last night wondering aloud how we got to this point where something like Trump became acceptable for the highest office in the land, saying “A Klan-backed, misogynist internet troll is going to be giving the next State of the Union address.” A fucked-up situation to be sure.

Source: CNN

The HBO talk show host, who has been a major critic of Trump, devoted the entirety of Sunday's season finale of "Last Week Tonight" to figuring out how Trump won and where the country goes from here.

A task that did not come easy to Oliver.

"It's important to remember many people are happy to see him in office," Oliver said. "But for the rest of us, we are faced with the same questions as a guy that woke up the day after a Vegas bachelor party, deep in the desert, naked, tied to a cactus and a dead clown. Namely, how the [expletive] did we get here? And what the [expletive] do we do now?"

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