Jon Stewart: Why Did Nobody Ask Trump What Made America Great?

The king of satirical news sadly makes this point too late.

Many logical and rational Americans understood what Trump's "Make America Great Again," truly meant. Let's face it, "Great" means "White" in Trump's America.

When Jon Stewart retired from the Daily Show right when this campaign got under way, we lost the most important sane voice on television. On CBS This Morning, he addressed the campaign that so much of the media enabled.

STEWART: Nobody asked Donald Trump what makes America great? and that was the part that I wonder.

ROSE: Yeah nobody said to him but what is it that makes America great? What is it that you (Trump) want to do that we're not doing now?

STEWART: What are the metrics? Because it seems like from listening to the metrics, that it's a competition and I think what many would say is, what makes us great is America is an anomaly in the world. ...There are a lot of people, and I think his candidacy has animated the thought that a multi-ethnic Democracy, a multicultural Democracy is impossible. And that is what America, by its founding and Constitutionally is like and every other state...

ROSE: And it's becoming more and more, year by year.

STEWART: Correct.

ROSE: But do you think it's healthy that we have this now, that in fact this battle, this real sense of finding out who we are?

STEWART: Yes, but I...

ROSE: and whether we have gone off track in some way?

STEWART: Absolutely. You know I think I would rather have this conversation openly and
honestly than in dog whistles.
You know, somebody was saying, 'there might be an anti-Semite that's working in the White House and was like, have you listened to the Nixon tapes? Like forget about advising the President. THE President? Like, have you read LBJ? Do you know our history?

He cautions Americans not to view all Trump voters as a monolith, as they are apt to do with essentially everyone who doesn't share their warped world view. Stewart is averse to the idea that anyone who voted for him should be defined by the worst of his actions, many of which Jon thought would disqualify F*ckface Von Clownstick.

"The alt-Right/GOP views Muslims as a monolith. By lumping all Trump voters into one category, those who oppose him are guilty of the same stereotypical hate that the alt-Right employs so well. We need to tread lightly there."

Really, Jon? It seems Democrats and Progressives always have to behave impeccably or the consequences are dire. In this world of Yin and Yang, it makes sense that the other side, which is now run by the Stephen Bannons of America, can lie and gaffe constantly, and the consequences are incredibly unsubstantial. In fact, in this new Bizarro World, they are rewarded for failure. But we on the side of equality and justice have to "tread lightly"?

I'm waiting for the moral arc of justice to bend the right way, ASAP!

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