Joy Ann Reid Makes A Brilliant Analogy: Obama Is Beyonce
...and Hillary (bless her heart) is Britney Spears
This is kinda mind-blowing, when you think about it:
Joy Ann Reid took time out of her show this morning to make a remarkable analogy.
...Still days away from the blessed end of this election. Headlines are freaking people out. Warning of an impending Trump-ocolypse. Or a molt. Before we start opining that if Hillary Clinton were to lose which, folks, is not likely -- she'll have black voters to blame. Let's think about this year's MTV music video awards when Britney Spears staged her comeback. It was a well-choreographed performance where Miss Britney delighted fans. It came nowhere close to being the most talked-about performance of the night. She had to follow this. 16-straight minutes of Beyonce's lemonade-flavored performance. Hillary Clinton doesn't fully control her timing on the historical program. The reality is, it should be no surprise that after president Obama got African-American voters into formation with record turn out in 2008 and 2012 as the first black president, Hillary Clinton is more like,
[in a sing-songy, patronizing voice]
"Look at you! Look at you singing all "Hit Me Baby One More Time." So special!
...Everybody is laughing at me. So cute. Isn't it true? Literally Hillary Clinton is the Britney Spears. That's just real.