Celebrity Apprentice White House Edition: Trump 'Furious' At Kellyanne Conway

Never fear! Joe Scarborough is here to defend Trump. Meanwhile, there's looting going on at the highest level of government.

Trouble in Transition Team Paradise continues with more internal feuding among the Trump camp. Kellyanne Conway upset his royal high-neeness with her remarks that disparaged the choice of Willard Romney for Secretary of State.

And expect this kind of drama to continue. Trump is only hiring folks with ample Google results, because celebrity = talent in his eyes. But with that celebrity comes ego, and with ego comes in fighting. Don't forget, on tee-vee "You're Fired" was a weekly feature of Celebrity Apprentice. We can expect it will be in the Trump White House, too.

Memo to Donald: When you're President of the United States, it looks BAD to fire someone once a week. And it takes attention away from you until you send another unhinged tweet. But I digress...

And here we are at Trump State Run Television, i.e. Morning Joe. Mika creates "drama" by reading any news story that is not deferential to Joe Scarborough's new BFF Cheeto Mussolini. Then Joe flies off the handle in defense of Our Dear Leader? Will we have four more years of Joe's suck ups to the Celebrity Apprentice White House? Or will someone burst the bubble that claims self-dealing and weekly firings is 'the new normal'?

BRZEZINSKI: Sources at the top of the Trump transition team confirmed to MSNBC that they spoke to the president-elect today and that Donald Trump was quote furious at Kellyanne Conway's comments on Sunday suggesting Trump betrayed his supporters by even considering Mitt Romney for position in his cabinet. Kellyanne went rogue at Donald Trump's expense at the 'worst possible time' a source familiar with Trump's thinking said. Trump's top aides said they were quote baffled by Conway's comments and suggested that it feeds into a growing concern inside the campaign that quote instead of driving Donald Trump's message, she's pushing her own agenda. One top transition aide said quote it's dangerous.

JEREMY PETERS: I think what Kellyanne is reflecting there is a real sense inside the Trump campaign although hers is more indiscrete than some of the some of the other people I've spoken with, but Kellyanne sense that in Mitt Romney you could have a Secretary of State who is presiding over something of a rogue agency is very real. What they're worried about is that Mitt Romney and his allies if installed in the State Department would operate completely independently from the White House, and anytime there was any kind of distance between the White House and the State Department, there would be efforts to make the State Department look better vis a vis the White House, Now I understand that given the hostility that Mitt Romney showed to Donald Trump over the course of the campaign but to do this in such an unprecedented way attacking him on Thanksgiving morning on Twitter as Kellyanne did is really kind of unbelievable.

Joe fully concurs and he's outraged, almost as much as the thin-skinned autocrat he adores.

SCARBOROUGH: First of all this goes back to the whole who's the last person in the room. ...Donald Trump is the last person in the room! Donald Trump will make the decision! Nobody else will make the decision! Kellyanne's not going to box him in by calling him a betrayer. Rudy Giuliani's not gonna box him in, and because it's gonna make him look weak if he if he goes with Giuliani.

It's this: that suggesting that Donald Trump is going to let any agency go rogue is such an insult to Donald Trump, it's staggering! That somehow Trump is going to be 'a week ago, Oh Mitt Romney said something! I can't! I can't! That would be bad! No, it would firing that day.

The attitude of his top staffers certainly indicates that the worst possible time is when the election results are scrutinized and audited. However, there are ways to distract his 'enemies' by playing the sexist card, and why not use a loyal mansplainer like Joe Scarborough to do it? He's not on the air for the pursuit of truth, he's there to gain more access to those in power. Why not use the 'woman scorned' defense, as it's right out of the Trump playbook.

SCARBOROUGH: Kellyanne ....doesn't have a job yet and she's angry about that. She hasn't been offered the job she wants. [Crosstalk disagreeing] No, she is, that's like that, I can report that and so she's striking out. She's not in any of the meetings where these decisions are being made and she's angry about that.

....That happens to the point we're in. Children! Who don't think that's that this is how you build coalitions and when elections are just that. Politically, they're children.

Someday we can be adults like Joe and Donald, eh? When is Donald going to call you for more unofficial advice, Joe? It's not like you broke NBC policy by making a campaign contribution like Keith Olbermann. Except that multi-millions worth of free advertising every time he phoned into your show.

Let us know when you get Harold Ford Jr. a cabinet position.

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