'Postcard Avalanche' To Oppose Stephen Bannon Appointment
No anti-Semites in the White House! Mail a postcard on November 26.

Activists are hoping to flood Trump Tower with postcards protesting Stephen Bannon as a White House staffer. From the "Postcard Avalanche" Facebook page:
Join in and send a postcard directly to Trump! Here are the basic instructions to participate:
** IMPORTANT - Don't mail your card until NOV. 26th **
1. Get a postcard from your state - any picture that represents your state.
2. In the message section, write this simple message: NOT BANNON!
3. Sign your name if you wish
4. Address it as follows:
Donald Trump
c/o The Trump Organization
725 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022
5. Affix a stamp - you can use a 35 cent postcard stamp, or a normal letter stamp.
6. Take a picture of your postcard that you can share on social media on Nov. 26-28th
7. Drop it in the mail between Saturday, Nov 26th and Monday, Nov. 28th to create a concentrated avalanche of postcards.
8. On Nov. 26-28th, Tweet and share the heck out of your photo using the hashtags #postcardavalanche #stopbannon
If you want more information about Bannon, check out the Crooks and Liars Archives.
I hope there will be more of these in the future. A postcard avalanche to Jeff Zucker (CNN) or maybe the Sulzberger family (New York Times)? As Driftglass notes:
....were I advising President Obama and Hillary Clinton I would take a page straight out of Donald Trump's playbook -- summon the same heads of the same networks to the White House under the same, false pretenses that Trump offered them (off the record, of course, and leaked everywhere, of course) and then berate them for an hour.
If they won't do it, why don't we?