Seattle Councilwoman Gets Threats After Call To Shut Down Trump's Inauguration

‘I will come and tattoo a swastika on your head and on that bitch’s head,' said one caller.

How can you tell a Trump supporter? They make angry calls like this one:

‘I will come and tattoo a swastika on your head and on that bitch’s head.'

Source: Q13Fox

SEATTLE– A Seattle city councilwoman who called on protesters to “shutdown” Donald Trump’s inauguration has since received hundreds of angry emails and phone calls, some telling her to kill herself, her office said.

A spokesperson for Councilwoman Kshama Sawant said the office has been inundated with racist messages and threats of violence following remarks Sawant gave during a post-Election Day press conference at Seattle City Hall on Nov. 9.

“Join me, I appeal to you, today at 4 p.m. at Westlake (Park),” Sawant told a crowd. “Let’s have a massive protest and tell America we do not accept a racist agenda and let’s make sure that on Inauguration Day, on the 20th and 21st of January, let’s do a nationwide shutdown and occupy inauguration.”

Hundreds of people later showed up at an anti-Trump rally at Westlake Park, where Sawant reiterated her call for protest. A video of the speech went viral, and Sawant’s office said they fielded more than 200 calls before 9:30 a.m. Thursday.

“A (Sawant) staffer was told on phone: ‘I will come and tattoo a swastika on your head and on that bitch’s head,’” Council spokesperson Dana Robinson Slote told Q13 News in an email.

The office was also inundated with emails.

“Go back to India bitch,” one email read. “I am tired of being shamed because I’m a white male. You automatically think I’m a racist. How about you go the (expletive) back to India or wherever you came from?”

UPDATE: And of course there's now a movement afoot to have her removed from office. The online petition got their goal of 15,000 signatures in less than 24 hrs.

Kshama Sawant is not respecting the will of the people. She's using her platform to incite violence and call for protests and riots. Our elected officials should be helping and bringing people together in our communities not promoting hate towards our democracy. Whether you like the outcome or not of the election, we look upon our officials to follow the laws of this country. Let's help bring people together and follow the laws to get things done not promote hate and dismay because this election did not go her way. Let's send a message to our local Mayor that she should step down from her position or be impeached. It is not appropriate for elected officials to call for protests.

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