The Spin On Comey's Latest Letter: Dems Mad, GOP Sad
Comey releases a letter to Congress on Sunday, saying all is clear. Of course, Republicans are very, very unhappy.
FBI Director Comey sent a letter to Congress today stating the FBI had performed their analysis of emails possibly related to Hillary Clinton among the emails they found on Anthony Wiener's device. The result is they stand by their conclusions from July. In July, Comey stated the FBI did not recommend any prosecutions related to any Clinton email.
According to a Washington Post story:
Investigators reviewing the material found that the emails were either duplicates of correspondence they had reviewed earlier or personal e-mails that did not pertain to State Department business, a government official said. The official said Comey’s letter was not an “interim report” but rather represented a conclusion of the investigation.
Does this mean all is forgiven among Democrats? Not this Democrat. Comey disregarded Department of Justice recommendations and mucked with the Presidential election over emails that he had no indication were of any interest and were likely duplicates of emails they have already seen.
We've been proven right: the emails were ones they had already seen. All of this fooflah happened for nothing. For nothing.
The Republicans are having kittens, including former NYPD Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, who questioned whether Comey actually reviewed the emails in a tweet:
There are 691,200 seconds in 8 days. FBI Director Comey reviewed 650,000 emails in 8 days? An email per second? Americans aren't stupid!
— Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) November 6, 2016
Just to clarify it for you, Chief. First of all, the emails in question were a subset of the total emails found on Weiner's device. Second, Comey had already stated that they would be using software to analyze the emails, specifically to see if they were duplicates of emails they've already seen. Lastly, the experienced team involved in the Clinton email investigation worked day and night to review the emails, aided and abetted by said software.
The letter doesn't go into specifics, but what the investigators found, most likely, were the emails that Abedin had forwarded to her personal email address in order to print them at home. These are the same emails the FBI, and we, have already seen.
It's not unusual for emails from services such as Gmail or Yahoo to duplicate across all shared devices. My Gmail emails duplicate across all our phones, computers, and tablets. Abedin used a Yahoo account.
We could have saved the FBI a boatload of money by telling them that yes, these emails were duplicates. Too bad they couldn't have waited until after the election to indulge in this wasted exercise.
As for Clint Eastwood's ramblings on today's letter:
FBI Director Comey did you happen to wake up with a horse head in your bed because 'Magnum' my horse happened to have lost his last night :(
— Clint Eastwood (@EastwoodUSA) November 6, 2016
All I can say is, *Go ahead and let the tears fall in the beer, Clint.
*From Bronco Billy