Trump Demands Apology From ‘Hamilton’ After Cast’s Message To Pence

The thin-skinned, twitterer-in-chief one speaks.

As more one person put it...

A few mild boos and Trump takes to twitter to voice outrage. If this is any indication, he won't enjoy his time in office much at all, when the criticism gets a lot harsher.

Source: Washington Post

Twitter exploded late Friday night with responses that cleaved into two camps: Those who cheered the cast for voicing their concerns so directly and those who found the exchange “rude.” In the latter was President-elect Donald Trump, who tweeted twice Saturday morning about Pence’s musical visit, saying that the cast had “harassed” the vice president-elect with “cameras blazing.”

“The Theater must always be a safe and special place,” Trump tweeted as a follow-up. “The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!”

By Saturday morning, #NameAPenceMusical and “The Cast Had Something to Say” were trending.

UPDATE: The Hamilton actor who read their message for Pence had this response to Trump's tweets.

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