The Trump Interview: Give The Audience What They Want

Trump is a chameleon. He changes color depending on what audience he currently has. Among New York Times journalists, he's suddenly a liberal.

Trump is a chameleon. He changes color depending on his current audience. During his campaign he was a white supremacist who wanted to gut America's natural resources. Among New York Times journalists, he's really just a liberal concerned about the climate.

He told the New York Times people that he's now open minded about the Paris climate accord. But in his just-released First 100 days video, he promised to gut energy regulations, which we assume also includes the Clean Power Plan—an essential element to our participation in the climate accord.

At some point in time, we have to stop giving him the attention he obviously craves and just wait until he's in office and we can see for ourselves what he's going to do. Now, if only we could embed a crew of New York Times journalists in his office on a 24 hour a day permanent basis, we could be less worried about the climate and the environment.

Instead, he'll have Bannon and Priebus.

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