Trump Supporters Behaving Badly: Assault Victims Should 'Grow A Set'

Trump supporters in Eau Claire Wisconsin are just being themselves.

The brainwashing is super effective in this crowd, especially among the women. Whoo.

Trump supporters in Eau Claire, Wisconsin were interviewed on CNN about the "character issue."

One woman said that Trump's sexual assault victims should, quote, "grow a set."

"I think those women need to grow a set, personally. You know, it's been a lotta years, get over it."

And one supporter went full Michele Bachmann's Sunday School Teacher:

RANDI KAYE, CNN: What do you think of Donald Trump's character?

TRUMP SUPPORTER: Awesome! Beautiful! Donald Trump has the character of God: a loving, compassionate Father. Donald Trump is a man who was chosen by God for a time such as this.

At some point, just like all the contractors and wives who once trusted The Donald, these loyal lifetime Republicans will wake up and see they were taken for a ride. The landfills will be overflowing with Trump hats and failed tribal politics. Sad!

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