About That Sean Spicer Freak Out: New York Times Says Uh, No
New York Times writer David Sanger calmly points out that, uh, no, Sean Spicer isn't being, you know, "factual."
It's not really that complicated.
Sean Spicer sucked a lot of air out of the weekend by losing his temper with Michael Smerconish on CNN over the "charges" that Russians hacked our election with the specific purpose of benefitting Donald Trump's election chances.
That's not a debatable issue. The hacking has been known since at least October.
We now know that Mitch McConnell knew it was biased in favor of Trump, before the election. Party before country, Mitch, you traitor.
So as an aside on Morning Joe this morning, New York Times writer David Sanger was asked about Spicer and whether his story jibed with, you know, facts.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Let me ask you about Sean Spicer who obviously is a top player at the RNC and that was in the Trump transition team. he sent out e-mails late Friday night saying he offered the "Times" evidence that the RNC had not been hacked and that it was ignored. What's your response to that?
DAVID SANGER, NYT: We haven't been offered any evidence. We called them and talked to them at great length and asked them if they would go on the record on the question of whether they had been hacked or not, and they declined to go on the record in any way. They simply said we have no comment for the story. It wasn't until the story came out that they came back to deny it.
Quick Joe Scarborough! Before he says "LIAR," go to commercial!
JOE SCARBOROUGH: A busy weekend. and the good news is that it's going to be a crazier, busier week for us all.
Sanger gets one more in, that this is how the next four years is gonna be. With Sean Spicer. Lying.