CNN Host's Mind Blown: Trump Voters Believe Voter Fraud Claims

She literally facepalms the ignorant Trump supporters who believe absolutely everything without evidence.

People who support Donald Trump have a tendency to be just a tad bit gullible. No proof of any kind is necessary. To quote the great Christopher Hitchens:

'What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence,"

But in this case it comes with one minor caveat: evidence is not needed if you're a Trump voter. Period. Alysin Camerota of CNN's New Day is a bit flummoxed over a group of these folks.

FEMALE TRUMP VOTER (Paula Johnson) Voting is a privilege in this country and you need to be legal, not like in California where three million illegal people voted.

CAMEROTA: Where are you getting your information?

JOHNSON: From the media. Where else would we get it?

CAMEROTA: Do you believe that three million voted illegally?

JOHNSON: Well, it was coming all across the media. All across. If CNN didn't do it, then they were being smart this time.

CAMEROTA: Do you think that 3 million illegal people voted?

JOHNSON: I believe in California that there were illegals that voted.

CAMEROTA: How many?

JOHNSON: I don't -- to tell you the truth, nobody really knows that number.

CAMEROTA: But do you think three dozen or do you think 3 million?

JOHNSON: I think there was a good amount because the president told people that they could vote and it happened in Nashua we caught some people --


JOHNSON: That they went into Nashua and they said, the president said I could vote. I'm here illegally.

CAMEROTA: Did you hear President Obama say that illegal people could vote?

JOHNSON: Yes, I did.

CAMEROTA: Where did you hear that?... On what -- on what

SEVERAL OF THE VOTERS: Google it. on Facebook.

Camerota explained that the false claim that President Obama suggested people go out and commit voter fraud was drummed up on Fox Business Network, with deceptively edited video. Here's the full conversation with Gina Rodriguez interviewing President Obama.

Stuart Varney's sham of journalism was edited to show this fallacy as the truth. He boasts that you can only see this here, but fails to mention this is complete malarkey. This was also played on Lou Dobbs, another Fox Business Network man of "integrity."

It doesn't matter. These folks may or may not be in the deplorable basket, but they are definitely in the unreachable pile. That's for certain.

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