Congratulations, America: The Whole World Is Laughing
A video compilation by Siyi Chen shows the whole world thinks Donald Trump is a laughing stock.
Turns out electing a thin-skinned, anti-immigration, low-info, loudmouth egotist as our Commander in Chief has worldwide repercussions.
This video compilation by Siyi Chen (posted at Quartz) shows many examples from around the world that Donald Trump is a clown, rather than a respected leader of the Western world.
Most of these impressions point and laugh and Trump's immigration policies. People around the world admire the strong economy and big-hearted, though sometimes ignorant, generosity of the American People. And when someone like Trump rises to the level of President, well, they laugh so they won't spit. Citizens of the world really do understand that we're not all Donald Trumpians.
But the election of Trump does hurt us in the eyes of the world, and it's too bad. We'd done a pretty good job in the past eight years of showing other nations that George W. Bush was a one-off.