Crazy Ben Carson Named HUD Secretary, Because, Ya Know

The title is Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Who else but our favorite sleepyhead Creationist MD?

Since Ben Carson wasn't comfortable with the Secretary of Health and Human Services position, Donald Trump needed to find another place for his 'African-American' in his cabinet of horrors, so he can meet a diversity quota. Thanks to Rude Pundit who said it succinctly.

Even Carson's buddy and presidential campaign grift assistant, Armstrong Williams, expressed doubt at Carson's competency to head an important Federal Agency. Somehow, magically, that is no longer the case?

Armstrong Williams, a close friend of Carson who managed the retired neurosurgeon's presidential campaign, told The Hill last month that Carson was not interested in serving as Trump’s secretary of Health and Human Services.

"Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency,” Williams said at the time.

So what if he believes that 'prison makes people gay' and 'being gay is absolutely a choice.' What harm could come from that? Never mind his nutty beliefs, he has no idea about running any agency. The Hill reports:

Carson's lack of experience relating to the activities of HUD has led some to express concern over his appointment.

“With many qualified Republicans to choose from with deep knowledge of, and commitment to, affordable housing solutions for the poorest families, and with the housing crisis reaching new heights across the country, Dr. Carson’s nomination to serve as HUD Secretary is surprising and concerning,” National Low Income Housing Coalition President Diane Yentel said in a statement, according to The Washington Post.

Dear Leader-elect wanted him somewhere, and is thrilled to get some melanin in his deplorable cabinet.

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