Dana Rohrabacher's Morning Joe Interview Turns Crazy
Who woulda guessed that Pro-Putin, Pro-Assad (really) 9/11! Radical Islamic Terror! Republican Congressman would be um, unhinged on Morning Joe?
So this happened. Representative Dana Rohrabacher has a definite reputation as being very pro-Putin in the name of defeating! radical! Islamic! terrorism! 9/11!
After all, Putin is just like Stalin, and Stalin helped us defeat Hitler. Hitler! 9/11! Radical Islamic terrorism is no match for us as long as we have Stalin Putin on our side!
You think I'm making this up? Click play on the video above.
The interview got off to a very rocky start, because Rohrbacher wanted to start with the premise that the Russians did not help Assad slaughter civilians. Which Joe would not allow to be asserted on his show.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Dana, how did the United States sit back and do absolutely nothing as Assad was slaughtering his people and the Russians stepped in and joined in on that slaughter? Why did we do nothing?
ROHRABACHER: Well, that's a question that's based on false premises.
SCARBOROUGH: No, it's not. No, it's not.
ROHRABACHER: Well, you want me to answer your question?
SCARBOROUGH: No, i don't want you to lie on my television show.
ROHRABACHER: Is this channel every time they ask a question, and somebody tries to answer the way they want to, they interrupt that guest?
SCARBOROUGH: We don't let people come on the show and lie.
ROHRABACHER: Let me put it this way.
SCARBOROUGH: What happened before, you lied before? We wouldn't cut you off unless you lied. Are you saying the Russians didn't target women and children in Aleppo?
ROHRABACHER: Are you going to let me answer?
SCARBOROUGH: I just asked you the question... I asked you the question. again.
ROHRABACHER: Okay, good-bye. good-bye. if you're not going to let me say anything, it's good-bye.
MIKA BREZINSKI: Dana Rohrabacher, thank you. thank you so much for being here.
ROHRABACHER: I'm a guest on your program and you're not letting me have a say.
This goes on and then Rohrabacher is given ten seconds to answer as he sees fit.
ROHRABACHER: The bottom line is, we are at war with radical Islam. We are at war with people who want to destroy us. You're talking about a no-fly zone where we are shooting down Russian airplanes? We need to be working with the Russians to defeat radical Islam.
Dana goes on to say, "We aligned with Stalin in order to defeat Hitler. Stalin was a horrible man. he murdered millions of people, but we knew Hitler was a bigger threat. Today, the biggest threat is radical Islam to our safety."
Joe agrees with the Stalin / Putin comparison, but draws the line at having to cooperate with the person who is actually bombing women and children in Aleppo.
But Rohrabacher doesn't care if Stalin were part of the bombing of London, so long as he's anti-Hitler?
Then Rohrabacher crosses a line he cannot un-cross. Calling the children of Aleppo suspects.
"And by the way, there is a lot of question as to who those people are on the ground who are -- [Mika interrupts: "They're women and children."] now claiming to be moderate Muslims, and we have ended up financing radical Islamists."
Hoo Kay, we're done.
Joe Scarborough eventually ends the segment with a statement that Rohrabacher isn't the same person he knew when he was in the Congress. Yeah that was a looong time ago, Joe.