Fox's Bolling Pretends Trump Will Put A Stop To Greedy CEOs Taking Advantage Of Workers
Fox's Eric Bolling wants his viewers to believe that Donald Trump is going to put a stop to greedy CEOs and bankers getting rich off of the backs of average workers.
I'm not sure what their drug testing policy is over at Fox "News," but if Cashin' In host Eric Bolling actually believes any of this nonsense he was spouting at the end of his show this Saturday, someone needs to find out if he's been hitting the LSD/meth/bath salts these days.
Bolling wants us to believe that someone whose businesses outsources their own products, and who has picked a bunch of overpaid CEOs and Wall Street bankers for his cabinet who have nothing but contempt for working people is somehow the answer to the average American's woes, and is going to take on the overpaid corporate CEOs like himself now that he's president.
Yeah, good luck with that, suckers: Bolling: Trump to Stop 'Banksters', CEOs From 'Fooling' Average Americans:
Saturday on "Cashin' In", Eric Bolling said President-elect Donald Trump will put an end to the globalism-fueled cycle that is boosting bank executives and other CEOs' earnings at the expense of the American worker.
Bolling said Americans have been told by businessmen and politicians that globalization is the "way, the truth and the light called progress," and that Trump's election threatens that system.
Outsourcing jobs to countries with lower labor costs allowed these folks to get very rich, while the out-of-work American began to rely on government programs like welfare, he said.
"The government greased the system," Bolling said, adding that millions of voters continue to elect globalist politicians and those who get contributions from such executives out of fear of losing their financial support.
"Banksters got massive wealth, CEO's got rich... [but] someone has to pick up the tab or take out the garbage," he said, referring to the average American who has either lost their job or suffered wage stagnation.
Bolling said he considers Trump a nationalist, and therefore the enemy of globalist politicians and executives.
"Change is on its way," he said.
There's "change" coming alright, but it's going to be to those voters' Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security checks while those CEO buddies of his get a nice fat tax cut.